Showing posts with label porcelain veneers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label porcelain veneers. Show all posts

Monday 19 October 2015

Treatment for Crooked Teeth – Best Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Crooked Teeth Treatment Procedures
For a great impression, a perfect smile is the first and most important element and for a beautiful smile, a perfectly aligned teeth setting is crucial. But many people are born with crooked and misaligned teeth. However, the advantage with this tooth difficulty is that they can be aligned using the various cosmetic dentistry treatments. The easiest and the most popular way of aligning these crooked teeth, is using the metal wire braces. But, many people prefer the other latest technologies and tools that help in this restoration procedure, without affecting the smile.

Using Invisalign:

The mechanism in this particular Invisalign treatment process is same as the metal wire or plastic braces. The difference is that they are invisible plastic trays that are removable. The patient has to wear these tray-like invisible braces that are custom-made for every individual, depending on the particular teeth structure. These aligners squeeze, pull and push the teeth to ‘move’ them to a desired position that will improve the aesthetic beauty of the smile. But in this crooked tooth restoration procedure, the health of your teeth and gum should be proper.

Porcelain veneers:

Ugly-looking crooked teeth can best be managed with the porcelain veneers. These are quite inexpensive and offer a fast solution. Within one or two sittings or appointments, the veneer will be attached on the front of the tooth. Before doing so, the tooth is shaved and shaped properly so that the veneer can attach on it. The veneers give the tooth absolutely a natural-looking smile. These are permanent attachments that cannot be removed. Hence, they need to be taken care of that they do not stain, break or damage.

Accelerated orthodontics:

Those, who do not want to spend too much time on wearing the braces and wait for the desired results, choose this mode of dental treatment. In this method periodontal and orthodontic procedures are used to reshape and recontour the teeth to give them a perfect alignment. In doing this, conventional surgical procedures as well as laser technologies, or a combination of both are used by a Wimpole Street dentist. This orthodontic treatment procedure requires the patient to visit the dental clinic frequently so that the results can be achieved faster. For a limited time span, the patient is required to wear the lingual braces. But within a quarter of the total amount of time as required by the traditional braces, the accelerated orthodontic treatment method can restore your crooked teeth.

Tooth contouring:

This is also one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments that can align or restore your crooked tooth. This is quite inexpensive and is a very quick treatment method. The dentist will scrape off a significant portion of your crooked teeth to give it a better shape. On this reshaped tooth, the dentist will directly attach the veneers or a tooth bond. Some dentists also use laser or a drill to shape the sides of the newly achieved or shaped tooth, so that the perfect smile can be achieved.

Special offers on cosmetic dentistry

If you have a crooked tooth, you need to make sure that you choose either of these cosmetic dentistry procedures to reshape and restore your crooked tooth. This will certainly give you the perfect smile that you have always desired for.