Showing posts with label Invisalign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invisalign. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 March 2018

10 True Facts of Invisalign Braces

Many people are aware of the clear braces technique that is why Invisalign has become a well-known cosmetic therapy for teeth straightening. If you cannot decide to undergo invisalign treatment, read on to get more information about the contemporary braces.
  1. You have to wear the aligners on your teeth to function - You need to wear your aligners for 22 hours or more per day. Unless you wear the mouth-guard for at least 20 hours a day, the treatment may not be effective.
  2. Wash your teeth after every meal – You need to maintain proper oral hygiene to reduce the infections or decay during the treatment. Brushing and flossing may help you eliminate food elements trapped between the teeth.
  3. Practical expectations – The average treatment time for Invisalign is shorter than conventional orthodontic therapy but you should be practical to set your expectations. You may need to wear post-treatment aligners for obtaining desired result.
  4. The process is not painful – Discomfort occurs when you switch to a new set of aligners due to pressure when moving your teeth. Most patients experience little pain when the teeth start to move and set.
  5. Everyone is not compatible with InvisalignInvisalign has some limitations to manage difficult orthodontic problems like serious overbites or rotated tooth. Talk to an orthodontist to get information about the costs, your suitability and expectations from the treatment.
  6. Quit drinks that cause stains – Stop the intake of coffee, tea and red wine to prevent accumulation of stains on the retainers. You should brush your teeth before wearing the aligners.
  7. Don’t use toothpaste to clean your aligners – Toothpastes that contain abrasive elements, cause accumulation of bacteria and create unpleasant smell. Wash the aligners with mild soap or detergent otherwise, it may take a discolored appearance.
  8. Weight loss may be a plus point – Routines to wear the aligners would force you to fix your mealtime and avoid taking snacks in-between. The difficulty of wearing alingers will prevent the intake of a sliced cake and chocolate wafer.
  9. Virtually invisible – Invisalign aligners appear invisible and others cannot see when they directly notice in your mouth. This is the effectiveness of the invisible braces tehnology.

  10. All Invisalign dentists cannot give same result – Invisalign procedure needs effective diagnosis and treatment. Every dentist cannot provide the same care and treatment since knowledge and expertise will be different.

Invisalign treatment requires shorter time in comparison to traditional orthodontic treatment but has some limitations. You should discuss with an experienced Invisalign dentist to know whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Which One To Choose among Invisalign, Braces and Surgery to Fix Overbite

It has recently been observed that more than 70 percent of children suffer from the disorder related to overbites. Among a wide number of treatments available, Invisalign has surprised many. This particular option has proved to be extremely comfortable and unobtrusive and assisted guys in a significant number of cases.

Types of Overbites

7 out of 10 people become prey of overbites. There is nothing to wonder as a wide range of treatments are available nowadays. It is high time to get into detail the various treatment options along with different types of overbites. There exist primarily two types of overbites which are:

types of overbites
  • Horizontal overbites – Are classified as teeth that jut out in front of the bottom teeth.
  • Vertical overbites – They occur when the top teeth significantly overlaps the bottom teeth.
Though they hold variable look, each of the overbite is caused either due to dental or skeletal issues. An over bite may have a big impact on treatment. Teeth overbites refer to the fact that the teeth are to be blamed. While in case of skeletal overbites, the jaw is to be blamed. Regardless of the type of overbite, either of them holds a big impact on treatment.

Causes Leading to Overbite

Causes Leading to Overbite

It is often assumed that overbite is hereditary, but it also stems from poor childhood habits which include:
  • Nail biting
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Thumb sucking
  • Pacifier usage.

Once overbite gets developed, it may cause several physical ailments which include:

  • Problem in chewing and eating
  • Lisps
  • Pain in the jaw
  • Worn out tooth enamel
  • Cavities and gum disease
  • High risk of front tooth damage
  • Soft tissue damage and many more.

Invisalign – Transparent and Retainer like Alternative to Braces


But it is a known fact that whenever there arises any problem, the solution also comes hand to hand. Similarly, Invisalign treatment in London has been considered as one of the best treatments for overbites, hence enabling proper chewing of food.

The Invisalign Treatment Procedures rely on transparent and retainer like aligners to shift teeth into correct place. The aligners need to be worn out for at least 22 hours in a day. They need to be replaced by a new one within the interval of two weeks to carry on the shifting process of the teeth. Typically, the treatment takes time of maximum one year to conclude.

To a certain extent, it holds the ability to rectify the defect of overbites. In case of seriousness, it can customize a treatment plan to shift teeth as well as jaw line to fix overbite. At present Invisalign in London has included the option of Precision Cuts to its arsenal which incorporates elastic bands into its treatment for curing biting problems.

Alternative Procedures for Serious Overbites

With the help of elastic bands to both top and bottom aligners, Invisible braces can now easily tackle more overbite issues than ever. But in some of the advanced cases, some alternative and more invasive procedures are necessary which include the following:

Alternative Procedures for Serious Overbites
  • Braces – Braces are known to use a two-stage process and are considered to be the most common treatment for overbites. In the first stage, metal braces are fastened to the teeth and finally connected with a metal wire to straighten and align teeth.

    Once the teeth get straightened, the orthodontist will focus on fixing the problem of overbite. In the second stage rubber bands, springs and coils are added to the braces to shift the jaw line into place. The entire treatment ranges from six months to two years.

    But in case of metal braces, maintenance of dental hygiene becomes very much needed. As the Invisalign can be removed at the time of brushing and flossing of teeth, preventing tooth decay along with gum problems is very much easy in comparison to braces. Lack of transparency in case of metallic braces is another problem.

    But if anybody desires to hold an alternative to metal braces, it will be better to check out clear as well as ceramic braces. They have been known to work in the same way as metallic braes but are highly clear and match with the color of the teeth. Only a little bit of more payment is required for this treatment.
  • Tooth extractions – In order to shift the teeth, a certain amount of space is required to anticipate the movement. But in case of overly crowded teeth, there may not be enough space for enabling proper shifting of teeth.

    In these cases, tooth extractions will allow the teeth to shift in a freer manner. Once the extraction concludes in a proper manner, it will be possible for the orthodontists to be able to shift the teeth with the braces.
  • Surgery – In extreme cases when an overbite is highly skeletal, surgery may be required to reposition the jaw. This is more likely to take place in adult patients as shifting of the developing jaws in children is easier. The surgery will free the person concerned from such a serious issue.
Hence, it can be concluded that there are varying degrees of overbites along with carious treatments to fix the same. Even though the case is too much advanced for Invisalign in London, plenty of other options are available. Luckily, at present medical science has developed highly to provide best oral care.

Hence fixing of an overbite remains no more a big problem. It is all about finding the right form of treatment at the right time.

Monday 16 November 2015

Why The Invisalign Attachments are So Important for Your Teeth?

Importance of Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is actually an appliance that can help a patient to straighten up their teeth and correct up all their bad bites. The appliance uses various removable clear aligners to do the work. These aligners, which are plastic in nature and are clear in colour, have to be replaced every fortnight as they genteelly shift the teeth to the planned position. The treatment for this, and the planned position, is actually set by an orthodontist, who is trained to use Invisalign.

There are several places for Invisalign Treatment in London, and you can use them as per your convenience. But first let us check out the benefits of the treatment.

The benefits


There are certain clear benefits of using the aligners to shift teeth against using the more conventional braces and wire method.  The first benefit is that they are removable in nature. With this, you can use the aligners when you want and you can open it when you do not. For example, you can open it whilst eating or brushing your teeth. However, braces means you have to restrict your food habits as it can create loads of food trapping issues. Invisalign Treatment Procedures can easily be beneficial for your teeth.

Comfy to use

Apart from this, the aligners are very comfortable to use and live with. The aligners are basically designed to shift your teeth .25 MM every fortnight. Even thought the number may seem benign, but is still quite significant and it can help your teeth to get aligned properly. However, the measurements are designed so that a patient can never feel an inch of discomfort. 

You can’t see it

Another great benefit of using these aligners is that they are very well hidden. In fact in most cases you can’t even see them with your naked eyes! Of course the bump portion, or also called the attachment, can be seen if someone gets quite close to you. Every consultant offering Invisalign in London will portray the same thing.

What about the Invisalign attachments’ requirement

The makers of Invisalign envisaged a long time back that tooth shifting can never be possible with just plastic aligners. This is where the innovation of attachments was made. And with it, the whole package became quite useful for moving teeth in a very specific and systematic way—and as per the treatment course and recommendation of the doctor.

These aligners are positioned in your teeth just like the braces, and also along with its tooth coloured resin composite. After the process is done, the aligners are taken out and the teeth are polished so that no marks on the teeth are visible.

Do we need it?

Yes you do if you are looking for a systematic way to align your teeth. The attachments are vital to make your whole orthodontic treatment work. When your Invisalign treatment is about to begin, you can have a chat with your doctor, so that he or she can install and guide it in the proper place. An Invisalign expert or even a consultation can easily guide you in this matter too.

So, if you are looking for Invisalign, then quickly call a Wimpole Street Dentist to get the best of the procedure.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Advantages and Disadvantages of Invisalign Treatment

Oral health must not be taken for granted. A good oral health promotes well being of an individual for long. In order to provide the best treatment, the Invisalign treatment process has been recently introduced which has proved to be a success.

Just as before availing any treatment, it is mandatory to know the associated pros and cons, similarly in case of Invisalign treatment it is very much essential to know about the same. The associated advantages and disadvantages of Invisalign can be mentioned in a nutshell as under.

Advantages of Invisalign Treatment

Advantages Associated with Invisalign Treatment

It is a fact to consider that there exist a wide number of significant advantages associated with Invisalign. Some of the most vital ones as recognized by dentist in Wimpole Street include the following:
  • They are virtually invisible as the brackets are made up of clear ceramics.
  • Invisalign works the best for feeling confident and usual in any social gathering
  • They are easily removable due to which they can be easily taken out floating, brushing and flossing
  • The Invisalign can be easily changed every two weeks easily
  • Lacks metal and elastic for providing due comfort
  • One can remain free from problems like inflammation of gums which are caused due to braces
With the help of invisalign it will be possible to use 3-D imaging for noticing the quick changes in teeth and smile. As it includes spending of less time in w1 dental clinic, it will be possible to see significant difference within a few months.

Through a disciplined usage of Invisalign, it will be possible to retain back the luster of the teeth followed by a confident smile. This will also assist a lot in removal of unnecessary stains and bad odors from the mouth for long.

Disadvantages Associated with Invisalign Treatment

Apart from highly recognizable benefits, people presume high cost as one of the major disadvantages and obstacles associated with invisalign treatment process. But still people struggle to fetch the same as it is not available with NHS cosmetic dentistry. But still, it remains to be an exceptional alternative to conventional braces with few disadvantages.

It is a significant fact to consider that the aligners are removable. Hence, many people presume that they do not contribute cent percent correction to teeth. As per the dentist in Wimpole Street, it is highly recommended that they must be worn for at least 22 hours on a daily basis.

Invisalign Offers

Flexibility associated with Invisalign indicates the fact that people tend to take them out more often. As per some experts, this has been reported to disrupt the treatment. Due to this reason, some dentists recommend wearing of braces as they cannot be removed randomly.

Hence, it can be easily concluded that the success associated with removable aligner is dependent on the habits of the patients along with the associated consistent of wearing them. Recent report by experts clearly states the fact that the treatment regarding Invisalign may prove to be a failure in case people fail to wear the retainers round the clock.

Monday 19 October 2015

Treatment for Crooked Teeth – Best Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Crooked Teeth Treatment Procedures
For a great impression, a perfect smile is the first and most important element and for a beautiful smile, a perfectly aligned teeth setting is crucial. But many people are born with crooked and misaligned teeth. However, the advantage with this tooth difficulty is that they can be aligned using the various cosmetic dentistry treatments. The easiest and the most popular way of aligning these crooked teeth, is using the metal wire braces. But, many people prefer the other latest technologies and tools that help in this restoration procedure, without affecting the smile.

Using Invisalign:

The mechanism in this particular Invisalign treatment process is same as the metal wire or plastic braces. The difference is that they are invisible plastic trays that are removable. The patient has to wear these tray-like invisible braces that are custom-made for every individual, depending on the particular teeth structure. These aligners squeeze, pull and push the teeth to ‘move’ them to a desired position that will improve the aesthetic beauty of the smile. But in this crooked tooth restoration procedure, the health of your teeth and gum should be proper.

Porcelain veneers:

Ugly-looking crooked teeth can best be managed with the porcelain veneers. These are quite inexpensive and offer a fast solution. Within one or two sittings or appointments, the veneer will be attached on the front of the tooth. Before doing so, the tooth is shaved and shaped properly so that the veneer can attach on it. The veneers give the tooth absolutely a natural-looking smile. These are permanent attachments that cannot be removed. Hence, they need to be taken care of that they do not stain, break or damage.

Accelerated orthodontics:

Those, who do not want to spend too much time on wearing the braces and wait for the desired results, choose this mode of dental treatment. In this method periodontal and orthodontic procedures are used to reshape and recontour the teeth to give them a perfect alignment. In doing this, conventional surgical procedures as well as laser technologies, or a combination of both are used by a Wimpole Street dentist. This orthodontic treatment procedure requires the patient to visit the dental clinic frequently so that the results can be achieved faster. For a limited time span, the patient is required to wear the lingual braces. But within a quarter of the total amount of time as required by the traditional braces, the accelerated orthodontic treatment method can restore your crooked teeth.

Tooth contouring:

This is also one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments that can align or restore your crooked tooth. This is quite inexpensive and is a very quick treatment method. The dentist will scrape off a significant portion of your crooked teeth to give it a better shape. On this reshaped tooth, the dentist will directly attach the veneers or a tooth bond. Some dentists also use laser or a drill to shape the sides of the newly achieved or shaped tooth, so that the perfect smile can be achieved.

Special offers on cosmetic dentistry

If you have a crooked tooth, you need to make sure that you choose either of these cosmetic dentistry procedures to reshape and restore your crooked tooth. This will certainly give you the perfect smile that you have always desired for.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Invisible Braces – The Best Smile Makeover Technique

Invisible Braces Technique

 Crooked tooth, misaligned teeth and gaped teeth are some of the most prominent reasons why you must have felt ashamed in a public gathering. Has this been the case with you? And if you are wearing those ugly metal braces, then your embarrassment would know no bound. Although young teens can still manage to cope with the metal braces, for adults, it is indeed a problem. However, with the invisible braces, you can manage to get perfectly aligned teeth.

The invisible braces technique is the new advancement in the dental treatment for adults. These braces are invisible and are removable. Hence, even if you are wearing these braces, nobody will be able to understand their presence in your mouth or on your teeth. These invisible braces work equally efficiently in straightening your teeth.

How are the invisible braces made?

The material or component that is used to make the invisible braces is BPA fee plastic. This is a medically tested, high quality and extremely durable plastic that can be worn on your teeth for long. The best part of these braces is that each one of these braces are customized and made to suit the dental requirements or dental arrangement of the individuals. At first, the dentist will take a 3 dimensional X-ray image of your teeth. Depending upon this image, using this plastic, the invisible braces are designed and created.

Mechanism of the invisible braces:

The braces are designed using technology that can make sure that the perfect alignment is achieved when you wear the braces for a period of time. Hence, there is no need to adjust the braces as you had to do with the metal wires, once the movement of the teeth would start in order to achieve the perfect alignment.

Unlike the metal braces, the Invisalign is a set of trays that you will have to wear around the set of teeth. Whereas the metal wires need to be tightened and adjusted with the teeth movement, in case of these braces, a new set of tray or Invisalign will be given to you, once the teeth start to move and have moved a significant amount of space. The purpose of these braces is to push and move the teeth back to its original or required position.

Benefits of using the invisible braces:

The Invisalign braces that are invisible in nature are actually extremely beneficial in comparison to the metal braces for crooked tooth restoration and for repairing smile.
  • They are removable. Hence, when you are eating something or drinking something, you can easily remove the braces and enjoy the food and drink, without the difficulty or trouble of having the food particles stuck in the wires.
  • Since the food particles do not get stuck into the metal wires, you do not have the worry of growing plaques into your mouth. As a result, there will be no decay in your teeth caused by these plaques.
  • Whereas you are very likely to grow bruises and cuts in your mouth caused by the metal wires, with the Invisalign braces, there is no chance of cuts and bruises.
Apart from these benefits, there are a few problems with these braces. People can be allergic to the plastic and since it is removable, there is a chance that you might lose them. Moreover, the cost of these braces is also quite high.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

5 Best Ways to Care the Invisalign Trays

Almost each and every Invisalign patient holds a story regarding the undergone Invisalign treatment along with the routine. After going through the process almost all holds a good understanding of the secrets behind a successful treatment along with   the things which work and fail to work in a better manner.

Care the Invisalign Trays

Ways to Experience Better Treatment and Take Care of Invisalign Trays

Though the goal regarding Invisalign treatment procedure remains universal, i.e., straightening of teeth, but reaching towards the goal varies from one person to another. Some of the better ways to care for the Invisalign trays along with experiencing better treatment include the following:

  • Always keeping the Invisalign case nearby – As per the W1 dental clinic, losing of an Invisalign aligner tray leads towards delayed time for treatment. A wide series of aligners are manufactured and designed to suit numerous people. Only they need to be worn carefully!

    The cases which are made available come in only red and blue color. As it takes some weeks to reorder any lost tray, it is advised to keep the owned Invisalign case nearby for preventing inconvenience.
  • Evaluating the progress carefully – It is high time for the patients to evaluate their own progress. In case somebody notices that the teeth are not filling the required space, then immediate action must be taken to prevent malfunctioning.

    When there exists poor fittings, it must be considered that there exist some empty space at the place where the tooth was supposed to be. Whereas in case of good fittings, there exists practically no space at the place where the tooth is supposed to move!
  • Cleaning the trays regularly – As per the treatment related to Invisalign in London, it is advised not to wear the Invisalign aligners in case they are crusty, dirty and discolored. It is a good practice to clean them in a regular manner and in a proper way to fetch the best result.

    Afterwards, any sort of delay regarding putting of the same must be avoided as doing so will prevent the teeth to move at the desired place. White vinegar and hydrogen peroxide have been categorized into the best and highly recommendable cleaning agent.
  • Purchasing a Denture brush – Denture brushes are treated to be the best choice in cleaning of Invisalign aligners as they are larger in size and hold stiff bristles. To be precise, these end-tuff toothbrushes help a lot in cleaning the crannies and nooks present in the aligners. As these brushes are not too costly, they can be easily bought from either online or offline store.
  • Utilizing the Denture cleaner tablets – The recently introduced Denture cleaner tablets have been reported to be a good substitute as well. They also assist a lot in freshening the aligner. But the best way to maintain the hygiene of the trays includes keeping them devoid of mineral deposits and discoloration.

    The debridement with the denture brush results into discoloration. So they must be used carefully. As scrubbing away if unwanted materials will help a lot in maintaining the cleanliness of the tray, denture tablets contribute a lot in soaking those unwanted materials similar to mouthwash.

In order to fetch better result, the Invisalign trays must be worn for a good time limit. But it is difficult to predict the exact time limit as everybody’s teeth move at different rates. But an average time of twenty hours has been advised by the expert dentists.

Friday 18 September 2015

Surprising Facts Regarding Appreciating the Invisalign Treatment for Teeth

It is a fact to consider popularly that hardly anybody prefers visiting the doctor especially when he is a dentist. There always remains a fear of undergoing surgery and getting the teeth plucked. Also, wearing of braces regardless of the fact whether it is visible or invisible leads to a big burden in addition to the daily stress of life! Honestly, there will be hardly anybody who prefers to go with the discomfort, sensitivity along with the associated cumbersomeness of putting and taking out the braces every time while eating.
Prevention from a Toothless Life

Hence it is high time to take a moment to go through the surprising facts associated with the invisalign treatment in London which will tear away the fear associated with such type of treatment. In case of a crocodile, there remains no fear of losing the teeth as it holds the ability to grow a new tooth within a fraction of seconds after losing the same. But in case of a human being, there remain only two sets of teeth all along the entire lifetime. After crossing the age limit of 21 years, it is assumed that the individual has already renewed the dental formula.

Hence, extra and special care for the teeth is required for teeth. Otherwise a person may be at a risk of leading a toothless life for the rest of his life. Hence, it is better to faithfully abide by the prescription of the orthodontist regarding the application of the invisalign treatment.

Killing and Restricting the Growth of Harmful Bacteria

In case of proper analysis of the mouth, then the presence of some harmful bacteria can be properly found out. These bacteria have been reported to reside in the mouth for no particular reason whatsoever. In case of ignorance towards the oral health and missing the turns of brushing, the result may be a drastic one. In order to prevent dental decaying, the invisalign procedures have been discovered to prevent the bacterial decay of teeth. It will also be possible to be extra vigilant concerning the dental health by putting up necessary precautions. By maintaining proper oral hygiene, it will be possible to maintain proper dental cure hence preventing the degradation of teeth.

Caring for Tooth Ache and Decay

Putting up of invisible braces has been reported to cure tooth ache in a very strange manner.  Proper maintenance of teeth through merely wrapping of the same in a tiny parchment will provide best and highly recognizable result. It will also prevent discoloration of teeth along with very much helpful in removing the stains of teeth easily.  In case of broken teeth in case of an emergency or an accident, proper treatment is definitely required as it will lead proper treatment for the same. It will also prevent the occurrence of detrimental diseases like oral cancer which is caused due to ignorance.

Fetching the right treatment in the right time will prevent early decay of tooth hence maintaining the oral hygiene in the best possible manner. No need to face the side effects associated with those artificial methods and unpopular medications.

Monday 8 June 2015

5 Tips for Cleaning Your Invisalign aligners - Invisalign London

The dentists most of the time offer the Invisalign treatment nowadays in order to make sure that the teeth are properly straightened. The Invisalign braces can be considered as a very important way out for those wish to have their teeth form a proper setting for a better smile.

5 ways to Clean your Invisalign Braces
 However, it is true that the Invisalign treatment is not very cheap and therefore one has to keep in mind that it is your money that you are spending for your better smile. Therefore, taking care of the braces is also important, as you have to take care of the teeth with the braces. The invisible braces cleaning process should be done properly. Otherwise, if these aligners are not properly cleaned then it is no use for you to spend money on them and do the treatment.

To know the best ways of Invisalign braces cleaning the below instructions has to be followed:
  1. Buying the Right Dental Cleaning Agents: For cleaning the dentures properly it is very important that the dentures be cleaned with the right dental cleaning agent. So far choosing the right cleaning agents is concerned, it is better to rely on the customer feedbacks.
  2. Soaking the Invisalign braces: The aligners have to be properly soaked. For that you can use the tablet for denture cleaners. One tablet should be used in the morning and one in the evening. The aligners should be soaked for at least 1 hour.
  3. Stop using the cleaner that creates problems If you see that some specific cleaner is creating the problems, then it is better to stop using them. There are some cheap cleaning agents using which one can have etchings in the gums, when you use them. This is the reason that you have to keep in mind when you are wearing the braces you have to keep an eye over the cleaning agents.
  4. Use the baking soda:  Baking soda is a very good option for cleaning the Invisaligns. With one and a half cup of baking soda only the braces can be cleaned properly.