Wednesday 14 October 2015

Invisible Braces – The Best Smile Makeover Technique

Invisible Braces Technique

 Crooked tooth, misaligned teeth and gaped teeth are some of the most prominent reasons why you must have felt ashamed in a public gathering. Has this been the case with you? And if you are wearing those ugly metal braces, then your embarrassment would know no bound. Although young teens can still manage to cope with the metal braces, for adults, it is indeed a problem. However, with the invisible braces, you can manage to get perfectly aligned teeth.

The invisible braces technique is the new advancement in the dental treatment for adults. These braces are invisible and are removable. Hence, even if you are wearing these braces, nobody will be able to understand their presence in your mouth or on your teeth. These invisible braces work equally efficiently in straightening your teeth.

How are the invisible braces made?

The material or component that is used to make the invisible braces is BPA fee plastic. This is a medically tested, high quality and extremely durable plastic that can be worn on your teeth for long. The best part of these braces is that each one of these braces are customized and made to suit the dental requirements or dental arrangement of the individuals. At first, the dentist will take a 3 dimensional X-ray image of your teeth. Depending upon this image, using this plastic, the invisible braces are designed and created.

Mechanism of the invisible braces:

The braces are designed using technology that can make sure that the perfect alignment is achieved when you wear the braces for a period of time. Hence, there is no need to adjust the braces as you had to do with the metal wires, once the movement of the teeth would start in order to achieve the perfect alignment.

Unlike the metal braces, the Invisalign is a set of trays that you will have to wear around the set of teeth. Whereas the metal wires need to be tightened and adjusted with the teeth movement, in case of these braces, a new set of tray or Invisalign will be given to you, once the teeth start to move and have moved a significant amount of space. The purpose of these braces is to push and move the teeth back to its original or required position.

Benefits of using the invisible braces:

The Invisalign braces that are invisible in nature are actually extremely beneficial in comparison to the metal braces for crooked tooth restoration and for repairing smile.
  • They are removable. Hence, when you are eating something or drinking something, you can easily remove the braces and enjoy the food and drink, without the difficulty or trouble of having the food particles stuck in the wires.
  • Since the food particles do not get stuck into the metal wires, you do not have the worry of growing plaques into your mouth. As a result, there will be no decay in your teeth caused by these plaques.
  • Whereas you are very likely to grow bruises and cuts in your mouth caused by the metal wires, with the Invisalign braces, there is no chance of cuts and bruises.
Apart from these benefits, there are a few problems with these braces. People can be allergic to the plastic and since it is removable, there is a chance that you might lose them. Moreover, the cost of these braces is also quite high.


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