Tuesday 6 December 2016

Increase the Efficiency of Your Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is one of the widely accepted technologies that use computer-assisted manufacturing and modeling which helps align the teeth precisely. In accord to the entire treatment, patients also play an important role going by the commitment to obey all the restrictions and guidelines. 

When you are towards the successful completion of the Invisalign treatment, you start getting a healthy and beautiful smile. Since the time you begin wearing aligners, it not only shifts the position of the teeth but also let the wearers enjoy their favorite food. The most interesting part is that no one gets to know about the aligners you are wearing. There are several dental care experts, who provide special offers on invisalign that enables you to treat your dental issues within the estimated budget. Here is a list of activities to optimize invisalign treatment:

Wear aligners for most of the time: 

Adopting a change for good reason is always worthy. According to some patients’ review, they find aligners more comfortable after three to four weeks. These all patients are full-time wearer that means patients used it for at least 22 hours in a day. When wearing such invisalign invisible braces, the wearer should remove it only for 2 hours per day to brush, drink and eat. 

You could only be sure about your aligner, when you find it is fitting comfortably with the teeth. However, if you don’t wear braces for full-time, it may worsen with time and demand fitting of aligners once more. In order to avoid the lengthy treatment time, it is advised to wear aligners diligently. 

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Use Attachment:
The use of invisalign treatment is more than just use of aligners. In order to maximize the efficiency of invisible braces, attachments are tactically placed on specific teeth. These attachments are nothing but the small tooth-colored dots made of white filling material, which is known as dental bonding. In order to avoid slip of aligners, while making certain movements, attachments are used to give better grip of braces on the teeth. 

Opt for The IPR:
For having beautiful teeth, it also needs to perform interpoximal reduction, which is nothing but the gentle sanding between the teeth and for creating more space. This process uses computer modeling tool to determine where the gap is further required.

Use Propel for Better Results:

Use of Propel system gives a painless puncture in the bone where an enhanced tooth movement is required. With this orthodontic treatment, one can give a better alignment to the teeth, reducing up to more than 60% of treatment time. 

Apart from these technologies, patients use retainers to maintain the effectiveness of invisalign treatment. Patients, who don’t wear retainers, often experience tooth restructuring to their original position. Thus, after successful completion of the treatment, start using the retainer and soon after your teeth get stabilized, wear retainers once or twice in a week.

1 comment :

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