Thursday 27 April 2017

Best Food Items to Eat when on Braces

Putting on braces is a brave attempt in itself as it demands a lot of sacrifice, be it food or your favorite ice cream. Your mouth feels different and the dentist of invisalign in London asks you to follow a different diet and change your eating habits. In this blog, we have discussed the top foods which are best for you when on braces.

Make a smoothie: Smoothies are a perfect choice for a tummy filling delicious meal. All you need to do is blend your favorite food in a mixer adding some protein and spinach to it. Here is a simple recipe for you to treat yourself with while on clear braces:

    Add the following ingredients to a blender:

    Milk (almond and coconut is also a good option)
    2 large spoonfuls of vanilla yogurt
    1 scoop full of whey protein powder
    1 cup frozen berry mix
    1 handful of spinach
    3 ice cubes
    Form it into a mixture and serve in a glass with straw and enjoy your special smoothie.

    Eat soft food: ON your first day with braces, the doctor dtrictly recommends you not to chew on hard food and you don’t feel like having any either. So, it is better to enjoy softer and easy-to-chew food like pashed potatoes with gravy, oatmeal and yogurt, soups, pudding, etc. You should try out these foods  during the initial days of your orthodontic treatment.

    Eat healthy: Stay away from ice cream, although it is a tasty treat, yet the nourishment and care you need will be missing. You should et soft food but that didn’t mean unhealthy food. You can try some of these soft but tasty foods:

    Breakfast: have protein in form of scrambled eggs and a fruit smoothie
    Snack: try some soft cheese cubes with a banana.

    Lunch: try tomato soup and salad
    Supper: mashed potatoes with gravy, meatloaf
    Night-time snack: baked apples in maple syrup.

    Try new things: It is quite common that when it comes to changing eating habits, you need to try new things. For example, start eating soft cheese which you have never had before. How about baked apples or banana smoothie? Your invisalign provider in London will warn you with some essential tips when you leave the clinic after getting the invisible aligners.

    Another important thing to keep in mind is staying hydrated and you must stay away from sugary drinks to avoid cavities when on braces.

    Tuesday 24 January 2017

    Why Invisalign System is an Ideal Orthodontic Treatment

    Invisalign System

    Are you unhappy with the irregular shape of your teeth? Are you constantly conscious of your overlapped or crooked teeth? Do you skip social gatherings because you feel embarrassed of metal wired braces? If you can relate with these questions, then wait no longer and go for orthodontic treatments that are best suited for your need. With the advent of modern technology in the field of dentistry, there are various options available for patients to choose the right one for their need. There are many dental practices in and around London that provide a wide range of treatments to the patients.
    Here are some orthodontic braces that can be used by an adult and a child to straighten or repair teeth.
    Removable braces
    It is popular among the masses due to the flexibility it provides during the entire treatment procedure. It can be removed during daily activities like eating, drinking or brushing thus, making your life much easier and comfortable. Some of them are:
    • Invisalign braces are made out of plastic that is invisible and causes minimum discomfort to the patient.
    • Simpli5 is an invisible aligner that blends with natural teeth.
    • Inman Aligner has a metal wire that runs along the front teeth.
    These braces are recommended to patients who are suffering from moderate to minor oral problems.
    Fixed braces
    They are unsightly and bulky, but with modern technology things are changing more rapidly. Some of the fixed braces include:
    • Six Month Smiles need the time period of 6 months to repair the teeth setting. It is quite similar to invisalign system.
    • Damon Braces are a comfortable option to traditional metal wired braces.
    • CFast mainly focus on the front teeth straightening.
    Go for invisalign
    There are many orthodontic options available for repairmen of your teeth. However, none of these treatments can offer the same level of convenience, confidence and comfort as invisalign. Not only is the cost of invisalign much less as compared to other removable braces, but it also provides faster results. It doesn’t matter if you are 16 or 60, you can easily avail this treatment with minimal inference to your daily life.
    Advantages of invisalign
    The results will be more or less same after any orthodontic procedure to straighten teeth. However, there are many pros and cons of using each option. These are many reasons why locals of London are opting for invisalign these days. Some of the advantages of clear aligners or invisalign over other braces are jotted down below:
    • In the case of clear aligners, one can remove braces.
    • There are no restrictions over any type of food you consume.
    • This apparatus blends completely with the teeth and seems completely invisible.
    • Six aligners can be used if the existing ones break or get lost.
    A healthy tooth plays an important role in maintaining good personality of a person. Therefore, one should take care of any oral problem right away. Many dentists in London are recommending invisalign to their patients for better and quicker results.

    Tuesday 6 December 2016

    Increase the Efficiency of Your Invisalign Treatment

    Invisalign is one of the widely accepted technologies that use computer-assisted manufacturing and modeling which helps align the teeth precisely. In accord to the entire treatment, patients also play an important role going by the commitment to obey all the restrictions and guidelines. 

    When you are towards the successful completion of the Invisalign treatment, you start getting a healthy and beautiful smile. Since the time you begin wearing aligners, it not only shifts the position of the teeth but also let the wearers enjoy their favorite food. The most interesting part is that no one gets to know about the aligners you are wearing. There are several dental care experts, who provide special offers on invisalign that enables you to treat your dental issues within the estimated budget. Here is a list of activities to optimize invisalign treatment:

    Wear aligners for most of the time: 

    Adopting a change for good reason is always worthy. According to some patients’ review, they find aligners more comfortable after three to four weeks. These all patients are full-time wearer that means patients used it for at least 22 hours in a day. When wearing such invisalign invisible braces, the wearer should remove it only for 2 hours per day to brush, drink and eat. 

    You could only be sure about your aligner, when you find it is fitting comfortably with the teeth. However, if you don’t wear braces for full-time, it may worsen with time and demand fitting of aligners once more. In order to avoid the lengthy treatment time, it is advised to wear aligners diligently. 

    Invisalign Offers London

    Use Attachment:
    The use of invisalign treatment is more than just use of aligners. In order to maximize the efficiency of invisible braces, attachments are tactically placed on specific teeth. These attachments are nothing but the small tooth-colored dots made of white filling material, which is known as dental bonding. In order to avoid slip of aligners, while making certain movements, attachments are used to give better grip of braces on the teeth. 

    Opt for The IPR:
    For having beautiful teeth, it also needs to perform interpoximal reduction, which is nothing but the gentle sanding between the teeth and for creating more space. This process uses computer modeling tool to determine where the gap is further required.

    Use Propel for Better Results:

    Use of Propel system gives a painless puncture in the bone where an enhanced tooth movement is required. With this orthodontic treatment, one can give a better alignment to the teeth, reducing up to more than 60% of treatment time. 

    Apart from these technologies, patients use retainers to maintain the effectiveness of invisalign treatment. Patients, who don’t wear retainers, often experience tooth restructuring to their original position. Thus, after successful completion of the treatment, start using the retainer and soon after your teeth get stabilized, wear retainers once or twice in a week.

    Wednesday 25 May 2016

    The Best Way to Whiten Teeth at Home or in the Dental Clinic

    Teeth Whitening
    Having a set of bright and white teeth is something that every ones desire. However, every person will undergo teeth discoloration with time. But what is useful is the fact that the teeth can be whitened with the help of at-home kits or by visiting the professional dental clinics to go for the professional treatments.

    At-home teeth whitening methods:

    Teeth whitening at home can be a very easy to use method. A number of kits are available in the market. You can choose the one that you find most suitable. These are –
    • Gel strips:
    These are gel-filled strips that are placed on the teeth every day. You have to put it on your mouth for about 2 hours every day and that too for up to 10 to 20 days. The application will solely depend on the strength of the gel that is used in the strip.
    • Whitening rinses:
    These are the most easy to use teeth whitening home remedies. You have to take a mouthful of these rinses and swirl and swish the rinse for about the minute within the mouth. Since the rinses are in contact with your teeth only for a minute, it takes some time remove the stains. However, what it does it prevent the new stains from forming on the teeth.
    • Whitening trays:
    Amongst the many methods and kits, the whitening tray is the best teeth whitening method. The gel that is used in these trays is very useful in whitening your teeth fast. But, since the trays are not custom-made, they often do not fit well on the teeth. Hence, while the teeth are getting whiter, the gums also get irritated, by constantly being rubbed with the trays.
    • Whitening toothpastes:
    If you want to know how to whiten teeth at home and how to remove surface stains from your teeth, this is a very useful method. These toothpastes are mostly mildly abrasive and can whiten your teeth easily just by brushing. However, they sometimes cause sensitivity to the teeth.

    In-Office Procedures:

    Those, who want to ensure visible results from the very first treatment, must try the teeth whitening in private dentist clinic. The dentist will offer you custom-made gel-filled trays that will fit your teeth beautifully. Since you will be under the supervision of the dentist, hence, a stronger concentration of the bleaching agent is often used by the dentists.

    As you go for the teeth whitening procedures in private dental clinic, you will find that light and heat are being used to make the procedure speed-up and more effective. Moreover, if you do not want to go for the at-clinic treatments and still use an effective treatment, you can choose the custom-made whitening trays that the dentist will create for you.

    Which procedure is suitable for you?

    Both the professional and at-home teeth whitening procedures are useful. However, the at-home kits are relatively cheaper and easy to use at home. But, in order to use them, you must be assured that your teeth and gums are in excellent standard and have no sensitivity in them. In case you have sensitivity of your teeth, you need to choose the custom-made trays.

    But the at-home kits always take long to whiten your teeth. The best way to whiten your teeth in that case is to visit the professional dental clinics. The dentists will use the high concentration of the bleaching agents, under their supervision and protect the gums from possible irritation and sensitivity. Moreover, the use of higher concentration of the bleaching will ensure that the whiteness is achieved faster.

    However, when you use teeth whiteners too often, they might turn your teeth to exceptionally white that will not match the whiteness of your neighboring teeth. Sometimes, whiteners can turn your teeth even grey. So you should be careful with your usage of these products.

    Who should not use whiteners?

    As you visit the private dental clinic in W1 area, the dentists there would clearly guide that the pregnant women and people, who have sensitivity in their teeth, must not go for these professional treatments.Hence, if you are looking for professional teeth whitening, you need to discuss that with your dentists.

    Thursday 17 March 2016

    Visit Dentist Regularly to Adjust Invisalign Braces

     Visit Dentist to Adjust Invisalign Braces
    The crooked teeth are one of the dental problems which make our life problematic. Due to the crooked teeth and disarrangement of teeth we face problem during talking to others and taking our food. Sometimes it is also seen that the teeth are overcrowded and the person cannot talk properly. There is solution for this dental problem also. There are orthodontists who treat these particular dental problems. They use brace and brackets to make the teeth well set. However, there is always a fear among us about the treatment and it is a common question that ‘do braces hurt?’ because we do not have that much of proper information of the orthodontic treatment. There are many people who do not know even what the brace is and what for these are used. It can be told for those people who are afraid of the orthodontic treatment that the braces are safe for use and it does not make pain. However, it should also be told regarding this context that braces are not always free from discomfort. It varies with the type of problem.

    The consultation is very useful

    Do you have any dental problem of this type? Then you should visit the dentist as early as possible before getting late. If you are in the United Kingdom, then you can have the valuable suggestions of Wimpole Street Private dentist who would surely help you the best. You should consult to him or her and get the proper treatment. The orthodontist would examine the dental problem and then would suggest you to go for the braces and brackets to make your dental arrangement proper. Sometimes you have to go under the X-ray diagnosis. The doctor would make the proper impression of the teeth and then you would be provided with the proper set of braces. There are many types of braces and you can choose your favourite one from the wide range, however you should follow the suggestion of your orthodontist to get cured rapidly. Here I have used the word ‘rapidly’ although the orthodontic treatment needs time to provide the fruitful result.

    The regular follow up

    The after treatment program would depend on the appliances that you have chosen. If you would go for the Invisalign treatment procedures then you would be shown how to insert and remove the aligners so that you would be able to do it in future yourself. However it should be taken care of the fitting of the braces. Do you want to have permanent fitting of braces? And you are afraid of the procedure! Take it easy because there is your doctor who would take care of it. Your appointment program would slightly be longer in case of the permanent fitting. Special cement would be used to fit the braces carefully to the teeth. What are you thinking about? Your teeth are not a construction place where cement would be used. That is why it has been told that special medicated cement would be used and it would not hurt you. The main part of the treatment is the regular checkup after the braces being fitted. Otherwise there might be problem due to infection and other purposes. Therefore you should visit the doctor on a regular basis and have your dental problem kept aside.

    Regular visit is important to adjust the braces

    If you would go for the Invisalign treatment procedures then you should visit the orthodontist regularly so that he or she would take care of the newly fitted braces. Sometimes the aligners would be changed. At the primary stage you might feel discomfort, but after the regular checkup after the treatment you would surely get back to the normal life. After the treatment you would tell that the braces do not hurt at all.

    Monday 4 January 2016

    Invisalign - Get Straight Teeth Without Traditional Braces

    Each of us wants to maintain a well built beautiful teeth and a lovely smile. But to keep up healthy teeth we need to visit dentist time to time. If you have any problem with the setting of your teeth then you must visit your local Wimpole Street dentist who would help you to choose the best orthodontic solutions for your mislaid teeth. There are prospective braces treatments to offer you a confident smile very soon. You must also visit your dentist at Wimpole Street if you face any trouble with your old braces as well.

    Go For Something New Something Better

    If there is any problem with your old traditional braces then don’t ignore it. There is a new option of Invisalign braces which can give you better result within lesser time. Braces are the most familiar way to smooth down your rough mislaid teeth, but wearing traditional braces can be a painful method and usually it takes a longer period to straighten your teeth. But Invisalign treatment in London is a better way now and also getting increasingly popular. These braces are consists of a sequence of plastic retainer-like trays rather than traditional brackets and wires. You need to wear Invisalign braces for a shorter and it will correct your tooth alignment step by step. Thus Invisalign treatment procedures are much more trouble-free and quicker option than traditional braces.

    Invisalign Braces In Place Of Traditional Braces

    As we have said before that the Invisalign braces uses a sequential retainer-like trays and it takes comparatively less time. But the exact time can’t be same for all; it would depend on the condition of your teeth. But there is a fact to inform that this treatment procedure works best on comparatively minor teeth misalignment cases. Whatever it is, Invisalign treatment in London is actually a noteworthy development of Dental Science. Now let’s check what you need to do if you want to avail Invisalign treatment in London.
    1. First of all you need to talk to your orthodontist about Invisalign braces as a replacement to traditional braces. Only an orthodontist is able to suggest you the best treatment for your condition. Sometime the traditional braces are still the best option for some particular type of dental problems and thus Invisalign treatment procedures would prove to be harmful. If you do not wear the aligners regularly or as said by the dentist then the result would even be negative. If the Wimpole Street dentist agrees with your wish, then you can make the ultimate choice.
    2. If you are ready go through the Invisalign treatment procedures then the first step will include the Invisalign impressions taking procedure. A comprehensible impression of your teeth will be taken for the computer to create appropriate aligners to get your smile from regular to beautiful.
    3. Now you have to wait for a few weeks for your Invisalign braces to be made and delivered to your Wimpole Street dentist.
    4. In the next visit tooth-coloured ceramic pieces will be attached to your teeth to keep the braces in your mouth and to allow your teeth to shift. But e sure it will be very less visible and won’t cause you any ache.
    5. While wearing the first set of Invisalign braces you need to put them in and line them up with your teeth and cautiously push them into place. At first they may sense stiff and you would probably experience a little pain, but not even nearly to the extent to traditional braces. You must wear the braces all the time, except you take them out to eat.
    6. It can also be a bit uncomfortable removing your braces for the first time. For the first time it would be a little painful as you are not accustomed with the process, but you’ll get a hold on it eventually.
    7. Before putting your Invisalign back to your mouth brush your teeth as well as the braces. If you can’t brush them in some situation, at least rinse then with water before putting them back to avoid the bacteria development or the accretion of food stains on the braces.
    8. Brush the braces as a minimum twice a day while brushing your teeth. You can also buy Invisalign cleaning kit but don’t use an ordinary denture cleaner as these can harm the braces.
    9. Finally to get an improved smile quickly, wear braces regularly, keep up a good oral hygiene, and stay in regular contact with your orthodontist.

    Thursday 17 December 2015

    Things you Need to Know About Ceramics Dental Filling

    Ceramic Dental Filling

    Ceramics fillings are one of the available dental filling materials. What are ceramics fillings made of is not clear to many. It is, in most cases, made up of porcelain. It is strong enough to withstand the force of chewing for about 7 years. However, it is the most expensive dental filling that can be equal to or more than the price of cast gold fillings. A W1 dental clinic dentist will use it to make dental brackets, crowns, onlays and inlays, veneers and implants.

    • Its colour matches the natural tooth colour.
    • It is more resistant to abrasion and staining.
    • It is very brittle and can break easily, when compared to amalgam or cast gold fillings. In order to prevent breakage, it requires a significant and thick filling. The dentist in Wimpole Street would reduce a great deal of tooth structure reduction.
    • Ceramics fillings are very expensive.